Jason Bahamundi is the Founder of Run Tri Bike, a multimedia platform that is the voice of the everyday athlete. He started this company to show people a spot at the starting line for everybody and every body because endurance sports are a great way to find life in your life.

At Run • Tri • Bike, we’re passionate about endurance sports and the incredible individuals who participate in them. We believe that anyone, regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or physical abilities, can find a place at the starting line. Through inspiring stories of athletes from diverse backgrounds, we aim to break down barriers and prove that endurance sports are for everybody and every body.

We’re here to guide and support you on your own endurance sports journey. Our goal is simple: to help you embrace the fun, excitement, and personal growth that these sports offer. Through captivating stories, insightful tips, and engaging content, we aim to demystify endurance sports and show you that they’re not just for elite athletes.

The athletes featured on our website have faced obstacles that could have prevented them from moving forward but instead kept showing up. Some of them are recovering from alcohol and drug abuse. Others are mothers coming back from pregnancy and still others are just getting started.

What you will find are athletes, like us, who are ordinary people doing the extraordinary.
from runtrimag.com

Jason Bahamundi Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in the Bronx and played all the sports in school (baseball, football, basketball); also hung out with a diverse group of kids

Went to college in upstate New York near Canada; the marketing was great because they bring in kids for tours in the spring only to find out later that the snow comes in October

He knew he wanted to major in business but no quite sure which degree; the accounting book was really thick but the marketing book looked pretty thin---marketing!

Lived in a frat house and had sort of an "Animal House" sort of college experience; painted the basement floor red and then had a party down there before the paint was dry

Had a job bartering old inventory from companies (like black and decker drills) for advertising time on TV; what the TV stations did with the drills was not his concern

He got voluntold to do a half Marathon and did it with out really training; he finished but realized he didn't train enough

Jason prefers the 100 mile race to the 5k race because you get more time to enjoy the experience; by the way you don't run the whole 100 miles, there is some walking/sleeping/hiking in there as well

Believes that anyone, regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, or physical abilities, can find a place at the starting line

