James Divine says "There once was a little boy whose mom told him he could be anything he wanted…a policeman, a doctor, a lawyer, even President! He exceeded all her expectations and became a music teacher. He married his HS sweetheart, is father to 4 and grandpa to 10."

James retired from full time teaching but still teaches band part time at a charter school. The rest of his time is spent speaking, training, writing, podcasting, and performing. And often holding hands and eating pizza and cannoli.

Now for the boring, adult stuff…

James earned a bachelor’s degree from St. Joseph’s College in Maine and received my music education from the Army School of Music, graduating from the basic, intermediate, and advanced courses over a span of ten years, serving in Virginia, Japan and Colorado. He retired from the Army Band in 2006. He earned a teaching license from Western Colorado University and completed a master’s in music education at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. James believes in the value of life-long learning! He just doesn't like standardized testing.

James Divine Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Virginia and his father was abusive to his mother which James witnessed; mom took James and his sister to Italy to get away

Spent a couple of years in Italy and mostly had a great time with lots of Italian relatives; but was sexually abused by a family friend

That abuse continued in Virginia when he returned; and finally ended when the abuser left; that was when James was old enough to be angry about it

He carried that rage into high school and realized that he needed to find a way to forgive his abuser not to excuse the abuse but for his own well being

Joined the Army Band and was in the Army active duty 10 year and the National Guard for another 10 years

After his miltary time, he worked on being a full time sax player; that can be challenging to make end meet; he took a band teacher position and realized he really loved teaching

Taught band for many years before retiring again; but missed teaching and is now back at it half-time along with public speaking


Website (JamesDivine.net)
