Grant Aldrich founded with a purpose-driven mission: make college more accessible and affordable for everyone. After graduating with an overwhelming amount of debt, he was determined to change how students embark on their college education. Grant has spent his entire career working in startups with two exiting to a publicly traded company.

Grant Aldrich Vroom Veer Stories

In High School Grant was overweight, until we finally decided to loss the weight and take care of himself; Jeff was a skinny kid til he got married and gained all the weightGrant went to a good school and did a lot to make it more affordable and was still weighted down with a sizable student debt Why is it suddenly not ok for rich people to cheat the system to get their kids into good schools? Because they didn't spend enough money to buy a library?2015 he exited his businesses; got married and learned his wife was pregnant; the plan was to go BIG! Giant company, tons of employees Millions in exit money...and then...nah!Learned he didn't want to go big; none of that was important to him anymore; he build his new business around being with his family and enjoying life everydayHow his wife helped him figure out the problem he wanted to solve; how can we help people go back to school and improve their livesBy removing the hurtles to start a degree like money, tests, applications admissions his business makes it easier than ever to go back to school

