Duane Brown has been called an international man of mystery and digital nomad by friends. He has lived in 5 cities across 3 continents and visited 40 countries around the world. He uses his curiosity for people and love for people watching to run better marketing campaigns for clients.

After leaving Toronto, Canada in 2011 to gain an international view of the world. He has worked for Telsta in Australia and brands including ASOS, Mopp (bought Sept. 2014), NSPCC, Jack Wills and Grant Thornton while in London, UK. He now lives in Vancouver, Canada.

Favourite Place: Laos
Favourite Food: Cheese

Duane Brown Vroom Veer Stories

Believe In Yourself

I have lived in 5 cities across 3 continents and visited 40 countries around the world. Moving to Australia and UK with just a visa and money in my pocket was scary but also the best thing I did for my life and career. Sometimes you just have to jump off that cliff and hope you make the landing... when taking a calculated risks.

Do What Scares You AND don't get to comfortable in life

Quit my job 14 months ago to startup my own agency and those it was super scary with tons of unknown. I did it because it scared me and I need to get outside of my comfort zone if I was going to do something amazing.

Stand Your Ground

When I lived in London and worked for a startup. The dev team made a major change and our perform and conversions drops. They swore for weeks that there is no way the design of a website could drop performance. Despite everyone disagreeing with me I had numbers to back me up and stuck to my ground until we changed the site back and saw numbers return. I was lucky that the CS team agreed with me.

Always Research and Plan

My life advice when people ask me how to move abroad.

Value Your Time

I was taking a trip to Poland and landed at the airport. I did my research and found out that there are two buses downtown: regular and express. The former stops at every stop to the city and takes just over an hour. The latter makes 4 stops and gets you downtown in 30 minutes and only costs you a few dollar more. You can always make more money but you can not create more time. Always find out all your options when leaving an airport. Don't just follow the crowd who 98% went to the regular bus. Me and 3 other people shared the express bus.

I'm lucky

Luck is really just preparation meet opportunity and saying yes to everything that comes your way. Usually I'll say "yes and" to qualify people and only take on amazing work, clients and opportunities. More people should say yes to life and enjoy the opportunities that come their way when they live a positive and happy life.

Duane Brown Connections
