Drexwell Seymour is a Certified Public Accountant and is the managing partner and founder of the HLB TCI accounting firm. Perhaps more importantly, Drexwell is a man on a mission to inspire, encourage and influence others to overcome setbacks and systemic injustice and to find their purpose in life. To that end, he hosts a YouTube channel and Financially Speaking, a weekly radio show, and is the author of the internationally best-selling Rise Up And Take Your Position, as well as the creator of a short film by the same name.

Drexwell grew up on a small island in the Turks and Caicos Islands, where there were limitedopportunities and terrible colorism, but he strived and thrived, eventually receiving a full scholarshipfor a BA in Accounting to Wilmington College at the age of 16 and later graduating from MiamiCollege with an MBA in finance. As he grew older, despite his achievements, building a successfulaccounting firm and a property management company from the ground up, he was hauntedthrough his life by the low self esteem and lack of confidence that he had been instilled with duringhis childhood. It wasn’t until a mere 4 years ago that he discovered his life’s purpose, helpingothers to never feel the way that he had been made to feel. Drexwell and his wife, Joanna, live inthe Turks and Caicos Islands with their 5 children.

Drexwell Seymour Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in a very small town in Turks and Caicos playing marbles and softball; lots of family and friends visiting entertaining each other

Wanted to have a penpal in America when he was 10 years old, lied and said he was older and gave the age 18 but said he was born in 1970

Had an inferiority complex because of his dark skin; the culture taught him that dark skin people are inferior to light skin people; his older brother has light skinned

Went to school in the British system, were you finish high school at age 16 and then get your A-levels. Drex got a scholarship to attend college in Ohio from a donor from Michigan.

Finished his bachelors a year early because he did credits during the summers, now, regrets not taking summers off; then went right in and did a master degree for 1.5 years.

In 2019 he finally overcame his inferority complex with the help of this wife and this faith and reading scripture

His wife kept telling him that his beliefs about himself were not true and that all people were equal

Drex also found confirmation in scripture that all men are created equal in the eyes of god

Drex found that he was avoiding writing his whole life; now, he found that writing is part of his purpose of sharing his message of overcoming inferiority complex

Be mindful of "why" you avoiding whatever you are avoiding; maybe you should just do it and see if you find something there.

Drexwell Seymour


Rise Up and Take Your Position: Don't give up. Find your Gift and Cultivate it

YouTube Channel