Dr. Thomas Recher helps individuals with hearing impairment sharpen their ability to communicate and in some instances reconnect to the world of sound. Right before he began college, Dr. Tom's brother sat him down and said, "To live a fulfilled life, find a career in life that you would love waking up to every morning - where it doesn't feel like work" Nine years later, Dr. Tom successfully obtained his doctorate and opened a private practice in audiology right out of school. The road was bumpy, but with the assistance of great mentors and the power of positivity, he celebrated the office's one year anniversary this past September. Now he's also the host of a podcast called The Positivity Effect. He quickly realized the importance of mentors in his life and now he wants to pay it forward. Dr. Tom is inviting everyone to join him in creating a ripple effect of positivity in the world.

Dr. Thomas Recher Vroom Veer Stories

Started out in accounting for his under-graduate degree...then walked out of a class and had to change his major

Changed his Major to Speech and Language Pathology, which was better...but not quite right

Finally found the world of audiology, helping people with hearing impairments

Teamed up with this friend, who happened to be a Chiropractor who ran his own business for 10+ years

Launched his own business right out of college and has been working at for a year now

Launches his on podcast "The Positivity Effect" on 23 Nov to spread the word on the benefits of a positive mindset

We talk about how important mentors are in his life and how even mentors you never meet can change your life.

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