Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum is the founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, an Institute for Functional Medicine collaboration that is the global leader in Functional Medicine health coaching. An Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, Dr. Scheinbaum was a licensed clinical psychologist for over 35 years, specializing in blending mind-body medicine with positive psychology. She established a clinic for children and adults with attention deficit disorders and ran a clinic for treating panic and anxiety. She conducted one of the first controlled studies of neurofeedback for the treatment of ADD.

Dr. Scheinbaum is the author of Functional Medicine Coaching, Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps, and How to Give Clients the Skills to Stop Panic Attacks. She is passionate about jumpstarting the Functional Medicine revolution by training the best health coaches in the world. She believes that with a coach's support, anyone can take ownership of their health.

Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum Vroom Veer Stories

Got a "B" as a student teacher; had to veer away from becoming a teacher
Was interested in positive psychology before it existed; looking at strengths
Using positive psychology and a mind-body approach blended well with functional medicine
She couldn't sit still; this led to study and help people labeled with ADD
Doctor's today don't have time to help you "get more sleep" or lose weight or stop eating sugar
A functional medicine coach can fill in the gap with the "HOW" to lose weight, get more sleep, etc.
Big Veer approaching 65; decides to start a business training functional medicine coaches

Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum Connections

Functional Medicine Coaching Academy
The Institute for Functional Medicine