Dr. Josh Wagner is an international speaker, seminar leader. author and consultant to successful doctors’ practices and their staffs around the world. After building a private practice in New York City and seeing patients for years, Dr. Wagner realized his true passion is in guiding others to their own success while building greater peace of mind.
In his book, You Deserve it, Dr. Wagner details the single psychological mechanism that prevents us from achieving our goals and having happiness: we don’t believe we are deserving of what we want. This realization prompted Dr. Wagner to develop “the Deserving Process,” a simple DIY system to transition from an undeserving belief to deserving in any area of life applied.
This realization prompted Josh to develop the Deserving Process introduced in his new book,which is a simple do-it-yourself system to transition from an undeserving belief to deserving in any area of life applied. This can be used for business and wealth, relationships and love, health and healing and of course, greater happiness and peace of mind by anyone in any life circumstance.Dr. Wagner has been featured on podcasts and webinars sharing his energetic enthusiasm and passion on the topic, and personal stories and anecdotes to share his message. He gives live seminars throughout the world multiple times a year and loves speaking about The Deserving Belief and how it can change your life when harnessed.

Dr. Josh Wagner Vroom Veer Stories

Overcoming self-sabotage & procrastination; we are not choosing these behaviors and they can sometimes feel in control of us The undisclosed mindset determining your health, weight loss and healing; how a mental operating system upgrade can help (for you nerds out there)The single underlying cause of achieving success and happiness--what is it and how to enable itUndoing undeserving mindset to transform your life and business results--as yoda once said: "you must unlearn what you have learned"How Josh and Jeff practice personal peace using meditation and seeking peace of mind through a daily spiritual practiceThe fatal mentality sabotaging intimate relationships and loveWhat does Josh mean by "Tone over Bone" as in applies to his practice as a Chiropractor

