David Wood veered after life as a consulting actuary to Fortune 100 Companies, and built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for “life coaching.” He believes the tough conversations we avoid are our doorways to confidence, success, and even love – in both work and life. David coaches high performing entrepreneurs, executives and teams and even prison inmates - to amazing results AND connection. One conversation at a time.

David Wood Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in a rural Australia about 2 hours from Sydney; witnessed his sister die in a car accident at age 7 Was a math nerd in school, but struggled socially and emotionally; thank god he was great at mathStudied to become an actuary with his big math brain; had a job waiting for him after his finished his schoolingWorked his way to get a transfer to New York to work on Park Avenue; consulted with big corporate clients all in his 20's!Veered at around 26 and went to a personal development workshop; ended up coaching people for free at the workshop; realized he loved coaching peopleWorked as a coach for years and had great success until he realized he was burnt out; veered his way to Bail to play a video game for about 8 monthsMoved to Bali and learned 3 languages; taught himself java made an app; then he got kicked out of the nest and had to leave Bali in a hurryHad to reinvent himself again; went back into coaching with a laser focus on leaning into having tough conversations


Prison Training Trailer (3 min)Cashflow Ninja Podcast Interview

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