David Lawson and his team help men like you transform their lives through self-mastery to create personal and professional abundance.

The youngest of 3 siblings, I had an unremarkable childhood with strict, loving parents. Following in the footsteps of my older brother, I fell in love with hockey and spent my early teenage years traveling from arena to arena.

(Then) one cold New Year's day, while driving me to a hockey game, I noticed my Dad rubbing his left arm. Suddenly, he fell into my lap and as the car veered into the ditch I felt him take his last breath. My dad was gone.

After my dad's funeral I felt numb and detached. While my mother grieved the loss of the love of her life, I had no idea how to process the emotions and grief I was feeling.

As men, our culture neither teaches, allows nor gives us permission to cry, grieve or process many of our emotions.

So I did the only thing I knew how to do - play hockey. My dad and I had talked about me earning a hockey scholarship, and after a lot of early morning practices and hard work I received a scholarship. After four years of long bus rides and sustaining physical injuries, my focus began to shift.

David Lawson Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up ice skating on a lake in the Toronto area, lived in the same area as some famous Canadians

Was on a fast track at the age of 15 playing hockey at the "Junior" level where school classes become secondary to practice/travel/hockey games

His father died on his lap while driving to a hockey game; didn't have the tools to deal with grief and loss so he just numbed that emotional pain

He double-down on being a High-Achiever never thinking about emotions or self care until finally he was so exhausted that he couldn't do it anymore

Googled Business Retreat and found a 10-day retreat at the Chopra Center in SoCal; fell in love with meditation on his first try; experienced Ayurvedic Massage, meditaiton and yoga and felt amazing

Through these experiences he started to look at the emotions that he had been numbing since age 15 and his emotional and physical health slowly started to improve

Visited India for further treatments twice and also received acupuncture from a Chinese medicine doctor near home; this same doctor suggested Qigong as a way to do maintenance without needles

