Carl Waggett: a full-time firefighter for the past 14 years as well as an Acting Captain for 4 of them. Separated with two children, the 3 of us connected to a 911 fire dispatcher and her two kids. After a close co-worker of mine had ended his life, I removed myself from the front-line trucks only to diagnosed with PTSD a short time after.
Carl Waggett Vroom Veer Stories

Carl is a fireman, he breaks stuff for a living, not a computer guy
The wake-up call from his close friend's suicide helps him notice his own warning signs
Realized that we all have bad days and we need to develop healthy coping strategies
Carl was brought up with the attitude that PTSD comes from war, and battle only
Finds his new wife, should feel amazing--and he feels---nothing
Everybody knows firefighters get bitchy as they get older
We don't get to choose when we snap into rage
Good therapy is like cleaning out the "garage" in your mind

Carl Waggett Links
You can find Carl hosting PTSD Bunker Gear for Your Brain on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

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