Caleb Breakey is the CEO of, the premier ghostwriting agency for thought leaders. He has collaborated on books and writing projects with 6-, 7-, and 8-figure earners and aims to broadcast his client's message to the world, and double their revenue in less than 24-hours of their time. Caleb is a craftsman of the written word and believes in excellence, protecting his clients time, and capturing their unique voice on the page. His agency has grown 100 percent in revenue every year for the last three years.

Caleb Breakey Vroom Veer Stories

Worked as a sports journalist and loved it; the travel wasn't working for him
Got a job in the home town as a sports journalist; he topped out quickly
Out of the blue phone call from a friends leads to an interesting job offer
His faith was tested; asked God to give him the job before he quit; nope
He took a leap of faith; quit the job first; then got the retirement home job; and a literary agent
Worked night shift at retirement home; more time to write while at work and during the day
Wrote two non fiction books; they didn't explode--even pounding the pavement
Took off 4 years from writing to learning about internet marketing; figured it out
Started as a way to help pastors convert their sermons into more value
People started asking: "Do you only do this for pastors?"; the answer was

Caleb Breakey Connections



