Brendan Ridings is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, American funding arm of PLAT (protect lives of children) Haiti, Product developer in consumer and medical field. Seeing Haiti sparked my entrepreneurial venture, realizing all of my fears were self created.

Brendan Ridings Vroom Veer Stories

Was an ambassador in High School, hung out with all the groups
Started weight lifting in college, competed nationally (and won!)
After college, started working as a trainer at a gym and getting drunk on the weekends
Saw a video on YouTube (w/ a little cannabis) about the size of the universe--opened his mind
A month later,  visited Haiti and saw children dieting from Cholera...wanted to help
Came back the the states and quit his easy job and became a free lance trainer
Started working as a corrective exercise specialist to help people realign their body without surgery
Created the Posture Personal Trainer with the help of a friend and kick starter

Brendan Ridings Links

Posture Personal Trainer