Gregg is a Professional and Certified Mental Strength Coach and Personal Fitness Trainer. He owns Warrior Mind Coaching and Training along with

Warrior Fitness Coaching and Training. His high quality, high content programs are thoroughly researched and delivered in a unique, energetic and powerful straightforward manner.
Vrooming in corporate Sales

Pre 2000, Gregg was making great money in corporate sale in the telcom business. He sales region include California and Hawaii
Then around 2000 the telcom bubble burst, telcoms stopped buying infrastructure and Gregg was out of a job.
His veer awakening unfolded over the next five years following being "downsized" from his job.
He and his fiancé decided to "downsize" their lifestyle which included moving from California to Bend, Oregon.
Gregg then vroomed back into corporate telcom sales living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area of California
That vroom lasted about three years and Gregg was downsized again

Veer into Coaching

Gregg started working with the idea of turning his "passion" into a business
The problem was that he had multiple passions and he had to figure out which passion he authentically enjoyed sharing with others
Most of his passions he were just for him...he enjoy doing them, but not sharing them.
His big A-HA moment was when he discovered that he really enjoyed coaching people.

Almost Veered off a mountain

Gregg tells the story of surviving an avalanche during a mountain climbing trip.
He described a new sort of inner peace and gratitude for being alive.
This inner peace helped Gregg see that so much of the little things in life that hold us back just don't matter.
We discuss building structures in our life to help us cultivate this inner peace.

Mystery School

Learning the secrets of the universe through transformation experiences.
10 day retreat in Joshua Tree including a practice in native american shamanism.

Dance and movement

5 rhythms dance
shamanic trance dance
ecstatic dance


Gregg's Web Site
Books by John Randolph Price: The Abundance Book and Super Beings
The Dip by Seth Godin

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