Betty Jean Bell is the founder of She has a passion for helping entrepreneurs transform their confidence, body image, and health with meaningful science, psychology, spirituality, and uncommon action that works. She believes that when you love the body you have, it becomes the body you want. Betty Jean’s unique approach has helped countless individuals around the world to lose weight, improve their health, and love their bodies now, regardless of shape. All while running their businesses, families, and lives.  

Betty Jean Bell Vroom Veer Stories

Started opera singing from the age of 4; knew she would be an opera signerAt age 11, developed early in school, one of the first girls in school with boobs; boys where cruel and made her feel bad about her body; she told no one and sang and ate to hide the from the pain and shameAt age 17, her singing voice suddenly was gone because she had acid reflux (she didn't know she had an eating disorder)Had to rest her voice; she couldn't speak from age 17 through age 18; nearly impossible for a teenager and before texting existed!Her 1st Theme in Strength Finder is "Achiever" which is a blessing/curseAfter college, got a job as a bookkeeper at an oil company; about 6 months in, the manager just stopped showing up; and she sorta took over; learned how to run a businessHer over-achieving personality led her to loose sight in one eye; she went to the eye doctor who freaked out and tried to send her to the ERTurns out this loss of vision was due to stress; so she decides to join a gym and loose the weight (of course!)Had another condition that would not allow her to eat any solid food for 18 months; thankfully she found green juicing and was able to re-hab her bodyContemplated suicide to end her pain and suffering; her Dad saved her life with a Happy Birthday call and she fell apart on the phoneHad her "F-it" moment after that thought: "How about I just do whatever I want?"Healed herself with self love by learning how to take care of herself first and learned how to be more herself

