J V Crum III helps entrepreneurs grow six and seven figure conscious businesses that combine making high profits with making a positive impact. He is a speaker, coach, Huffington Post Columnist, and best-selling author of “Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference.” He hosts the top-ranking Conscious Millionaire Podcast and is Founder of ConsciousMillionaire.com, a global coaching and wealth product business. He holds an MBA, JD, Masters in Psychology, and has built and sold successful companies.
J V Crum III Vroom Veer Stories

JV went to High School in Tokyo?  No wait...that's not right...but funny!
Great story about how NOT to over gift to your best customers during the holidays.
Turns out JV was not born a seven figure conscious entrepreneur...money was tight
When JV was 5 years old, he decided the best way to make sure he had enough candy, was to become a millionaire
At age 25, he had achieved his dream/plan that he hatched at age 5...he was a millionaire!
Realized he felt empty...he had all the money and the stuff, but something was missing.
Went on a 15 year journey of growth and self discovery...learned helping people was more meaningful than money

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