Caroline Greene is a recovering lawyer, chronic overachiever, and two-time Amazon best-selling author of MATTER: How to Find Meaningful Work That’s Right for You and Your Family and NEXT: How to Start a Successful Business That’s Right for You and Your Family. As a life and business coach, Caroline helps determined moms build businesses – and whole lives - that truly matter to them.
Caroline Greene Vroom Veer Stories

Urban Gypsy – moved every 1-3 years; dad was a lawyer
Father died when she was 12 years old
Success orientated family; no lies and no “B”’s—pretty cool; pretty hard-core
All 1st world problem from childhood Asked to go to boarding school; because she was a latch key kid; alone after school
Went to the fanciest boarding school; it was like going to Hogwarts
Got a “B” in Spanish; Mom sent her to Spain for language immersion
Did American studies at Yale; paid off when she started life coaching
Most college kids were adapting to being away from home for the first time
Struggled in College; didn’t love it the way she loved high school
No faster way to a six-figure salary than law school
Felt small in a in a lecture hall with 200 kids who were smarter than her
White collar criminal defense; found it SOOO boring; with smart amazing people
Went off to prosecute; loved that for about a year; felt like a cog in a wheel
If I’m not going to be happy; I’m at least gonna make a lot of money
Went back to old firm; then she had babies
Post-partum depression while she was pregnant with her second child
A faith journey was layered on top; heart pull was toward something more authentic
How did you veer away from law?  I was hit upside the head with a 2x4!
Caught a glimpse of herself getting out the shower; looking sick and tired
Kicked into high gear; the spiritual journey
The best “OK” ever uttered in human history
Being truly seen and heard; instead of fixing a problem
You can always find a new herd; your heard will like the same grass you like
Realized the law firm wasn’t her herd anymore; on unpaid leave for 3 years
Discovered Martha Beck Life Coaching---found her new herd
Experience more healing in two weeks reading Martha Beck’s books
Attending Martha Beck life coach training; moving toward her new herd
Never intended to actually work as a life coach, she resisted for a while

Caroline Greene Links
MATTER: How to Find Meaningful Work That’s Right for You and Your Family
NEXT: How to Start a Successful Business That’s Right for You and Your Family

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