Anup Desai am a Professor of Geography, Founder of, Lover, Fighter, Activist and concerned human.
Anup Desai is an activist, Professor of Geography and Political Science for the City University of New York, and the Founder of (Rent Whatever, Whenever). They are a diverse and passionate Sharing Economy Start-Up that is looking to change the way people consume their goods, promote their services and connect within their community.

Geography shows us that populations are increasing, consumption habits are increasing and money is becoming more and more unequally distributed in our society. Anup's desire to facilitate change gave birth to is a website and app that allows people to rent out and resell their goods and services. The less we buy and the more we rent the less stuff we have to take out of the good earth! It also has the added benefit of keeping our money and resources local.

Anup's mission is to reduce idle capacity - not only in goods but in the skills we hold! Be sure to check out his appearance on BBC World News discussing income inequality.

Anup Desai Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in Staten Island New York 1st generation immigrant family from India
Felt like he was part of the only brown family in Staten Island
Interned as a "brand ambassador" for rum company; went to bars; drank the rum
Completed his Master's degree in Mexico City, classmates were an ambassador's son; and an asst to the VP of Mexico
We know there is a lot shitty about capitalism; how do we make it better?
One defense project might fund basic needs to millions of potential terrorists?
Protesting is cool, but at some point you need to start doing something other than marching

Anup Desai Links
Rentah - Rent Whatever, Whenever