Ali Rittenhouse is on a mission to activate a new generation of online entrepreneurs—women who bust stereotypes, break glass ceilings, and show the world who’s boss while running their business from anywhere in the world.

Ali Rittenhouse Vroom Veer Stories

She was excited to get a job as a recruiter and was grinding until she finally landed her first placement.
This was her first placement in 8 months of work...and she didn't her commission.
Confronted her boss about commission and was fired...WOW!
So she brushes off her old idea to start a Virtual Assistant (VA) business
She was different because she was offering for technical VA services and less personal services
Gets a Divorce and moves in with her parents
Yup, she and her hubby went their separate ways, but only lived one mile apart.
She moved into her parents house to make ends meet
Finally gets enough business moves out on her own
She doing ok, making enough money to get an small place for her and her daughter and a spare bedroom for an office
She submitted a video to get a free ticket and hotel for some business training
First she didn't hear here name on the she stopped the video and went off to have a good cry.
And then...she comes back and finds out she DID win and free ticket 
She still needed to find enough money for food and airfare..
Now she does coaching and sells information products

Ali Rittenhouse Links

Ali's Website