Jason Treu is a business and executive coach. He’s a leading expert on human behavior, influence, leadership, and networking. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true wealth. Everything we accomplish in life is with or through other people.

He works with experts, entrepreneurs and executives to help them get known and stand out by building key skill sets, creating their brand platform and purpose, and developing key relationships that impact the bottom line. Jason is also the author of Social Wealth, the how-to-guide on building personal and professional relationships.

Jason Treu Vroom/Veer Stories

Jason was busy at work, got a text from his GF (at the time) saying "I hurt myself"
Cool boss let him go be with his girl friend in her time of need
He found his girlfriend had cut herself and taken a lot of pills, her friends were saying "it's ok"
Jason said no, it's not ok, and made sure his girl friend got the professional help she needed that day.
6 months later, Jason's girlfriend admitted that she would have committed suicide that day if he didn't get her help.
When you lead with vulnerability, people open up into deeper truths.
You you open up about yourself, you give others permission to open up.
A business leader can open up to their teams and admit they don't have all the answers and they need everyone's help.

Jason Treu Links

Visit Jason’s website: www.beextraordinary.tv
The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Give and Take by Adam Grant
Social Wealth by Jason Treu