Lama Kathy Wesley (Lama Gyurme Chötsö) has been a student of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche since 1977.  She participated in the first three-year retreat led by Khenpo Rinpoche at Karmé Ling Retreat Center in upstate New York, and thus earned the  title of 'retreat lama.' Now, as a lama, Kathy serves at the Columbus Karma Thegsum Chöling as its practice coordinator, and travels to other Buddhist centers throughout the country to teach. Kathy is a graduate of Ohio State University with a bachelor's degree in journalism. She lives in Newark, Ohio with her husband, Michael Wesley.

Lama Kathy Wesley Vroom Veer Stories

We share stories of our shared loved of nature in childhood growing up in the Midwest, Lama Kathy in Ohio, and Michigan for me.
Lama Kathy talks a little bit about being raised in the Catholic tradition and feeling the spirit of christ during childhood.
During College, Lama Kathy was pretty stressed out and was looking for way to alleviate that stress and found Yoga.  This was her first introduction to eastern spiritual traditions and teaching.
After college she started working close to home as a journalist.  She had an opportunity to interview a Tibeten monk (Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche) for her newspaper.
After the interview Lama Kathy asked about learning about Buddhism, when he predicted that someday Kathy would "leave it all behind" meaning her stressful job, and attend a retreat...turned out he was right, but someday was 15 years later.
Kathy attend a 3-year retreat thinking that when it was over she would go back to work, but instead she became a retreat lama and teacher.
We talk about we her day-to-day life is as a Lama, which is much like a parish priest or Lutheran pastor.
We chat about the benefits of meditation and how after some time in the practice, you begin to see your behavior and authenitically want to behave better, which was my experience.

Lama Kathy Wesley Links

Lama Kathy's Website
Be Here Now - by Ram Das
Grist for the Mill - by Ram Das
Find out more about Lama Kathy's Lineage at
Book:  Dharma Paths,  by Khenpo Karthar