Susie Miller, known internationally as the Better Relationship Coach, is an author, speaker, and coach. She is dedicated to helping you create better relationships in 30 days or less … even if you’re the only one who cares! You don’t have to settle for mediocre relationships!

Susie is the author of Listen, Learn, Love: How to Dramatically Improve Your Relationships in 30 Days or Less!

Susie has been married to her best friend, John, a serial entrepreneur, for 32 years and has three grown children.

Vroom/Veer Stories

Vroom:  Starting a business with her husband in retail and moving at WARP speed and having a blast
Veer:  A drunk driver ran a red light and smashed into Susie's Volvo.  A doctor told her tht God and Volvo saved her life.
It was a miracle to be alive!  YES!  Can we acknowledge that and still be honest with ourselves about what is hard?
Vroom:  Fire/Shop chaos/and Home Schooling the Kids after her accident.
Veer:  Susie went to grad school in Seattle...but they lived in D.C. at the time.
Her husband hired someone to run the D.C. branch and they all lived in Seattle for two years.
She got two master's degrees, while her husband was Mr. Mom and telecommuting.
Vroom:  Open a private practice in D.C.
Veer:  9/11 happened and she was downtown D.C.
Her husband had to close his business because of the fear of the sniper in D.C., so Susie's private practice needed to become their primary income.
Vroom:  The soup years...having good business, and Susie was able to dial down her business.
Veer:  Susie Got thyroid cancer.  Her cancer was very treatable, but she speaks for a living and the thyroid is near the the vocal cords.
Susie battled chronic illness related to the treatment for the thyroid cancer for seven years.

Susie Miller Links

Susie's Web Site

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Susie's book Listen Learn Love

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