Connect with Chase Mielke
Website: | Twitter: @chasemielke | Newest Book: The Burnout Cure: Learning to Love Teaching Again, ASCD

Connect with Vrain Waves
Website: | Twitter: @VrainWaves | Becky Twitter: @BeckyEPeters | Ben Twitter: @mrkalb

Links & Show Notes

Out of Our Heads and Into the Classroom (01:56)Tammy Trzebiatowski (@ttrzebiatowski)- Exercise & alone timeAndy Leiser, Hastings MN - EL Tech Integration (@AndyLeiser): from Amy Fast, EdD (@FastCrayon) - cards written to future selfTyler Tarver, Dean of NLC College (@TylerTarver) - Set 3 goals each weekTemple Hayles, Instructional Technology Coach (@haylessvvsd) - Hold Fast, Stay TrueBen: Exercise gratitudeBecky: Practice mindfulness; Getting Mindful about Race in Schools, Elena Aguilar (@brightmorningtm); EFGHI (Empathy, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility, Intentionality)Chase Mielke Intro (10:56)Chase’s story & origin of the book (11:17)Subjective Well-Being, Circumstances v. Action (12:57)Sustainable Happiness Model Meta-Analysis, Sheldon & LyubomirksyCircumstances = 10%; Intentional Actions = 40%; Genetics = 50%“Circumstances matter but my actions matter more.”What can we do? Internal locus of control (15:06)Empowered Thriving Model: Awareness → Attitude → ActionsAwareness (16:27)Matthew Killingsworth & Daniel Gilbert, Harvard University Research - 47% of our time spent thinking about something other than the present momentApp = Track Your HappinessTwin challenges of focus (17:57) - Rambling & Rumination“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” - William JamesRumination & Rambling (19:03)Rambling - can’t always control; Rumination we can start to improve with practiceTangible tips for being in the present (20:55)Thich Nhat Hanh: Piece Is Every StepMindfulschools.orgCalm app has free accounts for teachers!! ( Habits: habit stackingSocietal acceptance of mindfulness & meditation (24:15)Excitement from studentsStaff mindfulness (27:01)2 components of happiness: Hedonia v. Eudamonia (27:58)Living purposefully - live our best so we can give our bestRecognizing your own triggers (29:49)Check in with your bodyTechniques for re-energizing (32:39)Better sleep habits; hobbiesGratitude practices, altruistic practicesGratitude (35:20)Upward vs. downward comparisonsPracticing with students / children“What made your heart happy today?”Frequency & Recency of Positive Emotions (39:02)Wired to be more alert to threats than rewardsHebb’s postulate: Neurons that fire together wire togetherInattentional Blindness (41:16)Invisible Gorilla“When I look for X, I notice less Y.”Celebrating the goodFinite Framing (47:35)Moments are unique, this one will end, cherish each onePractical Optimism (51:16)Habits of thinking: Permanence (this will always be as it is) & Universality (everything - a whole child, a whole school, education as a system, etc - is affected by this)Wrap Up & Take aways (54:49)‘Gratituesday’ newsletter at affectiveliving.comASCD one hour webinar from Mr. Mielke

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