Connect with Katie Martin

Twitter: @katiemartinedu | Website: | Book: Learner-Centered Innovation

Links & Show Notes

Marigolds & Walnut Trees / companion planting - an analogy from The Cult of Pedagogy (02:05)

..* Check out our show notes for each episode at
Katie Martin Intro (5:57)

..* Buck Institute of Education

..* Learner-Centered Innovation
Why Katie went into teaching (7:03)
Learner-Centered Innovation, the book (8:33)

..* Started with blogging
Why be social on Twitter / blog, etc. (9:50)
Buck Institute for Education (BIE); Examples of PBL (11:17)

..* Kim Cawkwell (@mskimcawkwell) - 4th grade

..* Most engaging lessons happen when people get to solve their own problems (12:46)

..* Gold Standard Essential Design Elements, BIE (13:28)

..* Dr. Martin’s 10 Characteristics of Learner-Centered experiences (15:11)
Teachers create what we experience (17:15)

..* 25 hour learning challenge (18:19)
What does your ideal classroom look like? And the ‘knowing-doing gap’ (20:03)
Adaptability and evolution of practice (22:28)
What should we be calling those skills? (24:55)

..* World Economic Forum - Future of Jobs Report (Top 10 2020 Skills)
Katie Martin’s top 3 skills (26:20)
Inspired by Research / Informed by Practice (27:38)

..* Book Recommendations:

..* Creativity, Inc. (Ed Catmull)

..* The Power of Moments (Chip & Dan Heath)

..* Originals (Adam Grant)
Jeff Bezos - stay focused on the customer (30:10)
Coaching on strategic abandonment and letting go of things that don’t work (33:56)
Developing a culture of innovation (38:41)
What is the purpose of public education? (40:02)
Katie’s TED Talk (42:14)

..* “I hope they’re just as in love with learning when they graduate high school as they were when they started kindergarten.”
Cajon Valley School District (42:57)

..* David Miyashiro, Superintendent

..* Ed Hidalgo, Innovation & Engagement Officer

..* World of Work for K-8 students
Rapid fire (44:53)
To learn more:
Takeaways (47:35)

..* Give us feedback!


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