Get ready to sail the seven seas with this week’s guest, Mr. Dave Burgess. Using magic, humor, and a trademark level of enthusiasm to augment his already stellar content, Dave is a sought after speaker, well-known author, and high-quality publisher followed by educators around the world. In this episode we discuss how good teaching relates with good coaching, some of Dave's favorite hooks, and why a costume can't cover up for boring learning!

Connect with Dave Burgess

Twitter: @burgessdave | Website: | Book: Teach Like a Pirate

Links & Show Notes

Out of our heads and into the classroom: “Hook” hacks with Ben & Becky (1:34)

Snowball Fight (1:34)

Dance Party (2:26)

Cue YouTube videos to certain spot

3 Act Math (3:56)

Dan Meyer - Secondary 3 Act Math (Explanation / Background)

Graham Fletcher - Elementary 3 Act Math

(Not familiar with Dan Meyer? Watch his video, ‘Math Class Needs a Makeover’)

Alphabet aerobics (5:21)

Dave Burgess Introduction (6:31)

Dave Burgess Publishing & Consulting

Other pirates mentioned: George Couros, Alice Keeler, John Spencer, AJ Juiliani, Jimmy Casas

How Dave got into teaching (7:30)

Teaching / Coaching overlap (8:45) / John Wooden

PIRATE acronym and how it applies to teaching (10:00)

Passion / Immersion / Rapport / Ask & Analyze / Transformation / Enthusiasm

Digging deeper into passion (12:30)

3 circles of teaching (14:20)

Content / Techniques & Methods / Presentation

Getting better at Presentation (16:40)

Questions are the key to creativity (17:41)

Dave’s recommendations for authors to learn from (18:45)

Seth Godin (Linchpin)

Anthony Robbins (Awaken the Giant Within / Unlimited Power)

“Questions are the laser of human consciousness.”

Ed Tech integration (22:20)

R. Buckminster Fuller - “Don’t fight forces. Use them.”

Student-centered classroom & TLAP complementary texts (24:56)

Learn Like a Pirate, Paul Solarz

Explore Like a Pirate (Gamification), Michael Matera

Play Like a Pirate, Quinn Rollins

“You teach what you know; you teach who you are.” (27:35)

Maya Angelou & storytelling (28:50)

It’s about the power of your presence.

The most important thing in the world is courage.

Teaser hook (30:47)

Always preheat the grill; creating anticipation / curiosity / buzz before the lesson

Ted Talk - Teach Like a Pirate (33:10)

Dave on Failure (33:33)

Progress happens outside of your comfort zone; if you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing

Failure as feedback (36:54)

Pirates turn their sails to the wind (41:08)

Enthusiasm (42:03)

Control your state - 1) what you focus on; 2) your physiology

If they didn’t have to be there, would you be teaching to an empty room? (45:00)

@burgessdave / #tlap / /

Get connected!!

Ben & Becky Take-Aways (47:21)

Joe Biden quote

Medici Effect


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