There are 3 infirmities of Pride and in Part 1 of this 2-Part series on VowsToKeep Radio, we’re going to delve into the first one...Self-Reliance. 

Self-Reliance, Self-Sufficiency and Self-Righteousness. These are the part of the sin disease that you and I are both born with and bring into our marriage relationship.

Are you tired of limping around? Are you ready to get better? Tired of letting pride win the day and rob you of God’s best? Me too. 

Let’s travel to the doctor’s office together then today, shall we? Admitting all the way that we have some things that need to be laid out on the table in full view of the Great Physician. 

Let’s start the process to healing by taking the first step: making the appointment to see the good doctor. Then by taking the prescription he gives: swallowing the truth that we are indeed sick with pride and we need what only He can offer. If you are willing to do that, you’ve entered into the Cure phase of this illness. Without knowing it, you’re ready to swallow your first dose of life-giving humility.

Next week, join us for Part 2 as we delve into Self-Sufficiency and Self-Righteousness. 

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