The White House’s unveiling of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Terrorism caused a hullabaloo due to its timing. It was released right before the Jewish holiday of Shavuos and also Memorial Day weekend. This 60 page document ignored and downplayed problems.

Baila Sebrow, producer and host of The  Definitive
Rap sat down with the award winning journalist
Jonathan Tobin editor-in-chief of JNS. He is also senior contributor for The Federalist, and a columnist for the New York Post, Newsweek and Haaretz, and host of the podcast, ‘Top Story.'

Jonathan talked about how the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Terrorism document was a public relations move based on the timing of its’ release. 

He gave his opinion about the Zoom programs for Jewish students and those seeking Israel’s destruction, that it’s being used to promote a false narrative. He also spoke about an antisemitic performance by Roger
Waters in Berlin at the Mercedes Benz arena. 

Jonathan discussed the Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas calling himself a Canaanite. 

The show closed with Jonathan talking about an article he wrote in Newsweek that we should ban TikTok, because it’s a National Security issue. 

Listen to this interview