Israeli citizens want to live in peace, and they go about their lives doing what they need to do. But, there are terrorists who seek to destroy and kill innocent people in terrorist attacks, and who do not want to live in peace.

On April 7th 2023, three precious beautiful souls were brutally murdered in a terror attack on the Route 57 highway near the Hamra Junction. Rebbetzin Lucy Dee, and her daughters, 20 year old Maia, and 15 year old Rina were shot by Palestinian gunmen, identified as Hamas members Hassan Katnani, Muad Masri. This murder happened while Lucy, Maia, and Rina were in their car on their way to a family trip. This tragedy shook the world at large. In the face of this catastrophe the world honors Rabbi Dee, widowed husband of Lucy, and father of Maia and Rine for his courage, heroism, and love of mankind, regardless of race or religion

Baila Sebrow, producer and host of The Definitive Rap sat with the esteemed inspirational Rabbi Leo Dee, the husband of Lucy, and
father of Maia and Rina.

Rabbi Dee described how it was for him when the murder first happened. He spoke about having donated the organs of Lucy to save lives, and that he feels no hatred for the murderers. Yet, he is disappointed with the media, specifically referring to CNN presenter Christina Macfarlane who stated after her interview, “And just as we heard there from Rabbi Leo’s story, coming up we’ll hear similar stories from Palestinians,” and CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour calling the terror attack a ‘shootout.

Rabbi Dee, talked about his wife, and daughters, and what they were like. 

*Listen ToThis Exclusive Interview