Illegal downloading of ographic movies

Copyright law is heating up with demand letters based on illegal downloading of adult ograpy on p2p file sharing websites such as BitTorrent.  Attorney Steve, the copyright lawyer discusses this interesting situation to be aware of when you are downloading and uploading movies, books, audio tapes, games (ex. xbox and playstation), software, comics, anime and other digital content where the copyrights are help by other persons.  We can help you explore your legal defenses and respond when you get a demand letter or infringement notice.  If you need help call us at (877) 276-5084.


1.  What is a business software alliance audit? (illegal software downloads)

2.  Bittorent Defense Resource Center (everything you need to help you if you received a subpoena notice from your ISP such as Comcast

3.  Should you respond to a subpoena notice with a motion to quash