Software Compliance & Copyright Infringement Law - Things to know before you engage in a software audit with Microsoft, Autodesk, the SIIA or BSA

This podcast discusses the ESSENTIAL checklist you must go through line by line if you received an audit lettter asking you to engage in a "voluntary" audit of your computers, networks and servers and laptops of your business.  This is not fun and games when you get the "love letter" and you need to take this serious, especially since in most cases they will be implying that your company could be held liable for $150,000 in damages if you are using pirated or unlicensed software to run your business.

This helpful guide will alert you to the things you need to be aware of.  Attorney Steve discusses these items very briefly so that you can understand what you are up against.  We hope you find this legal podcast helpful.  If so, please feel free to share it on your social media networks.

This podcast has just the TOP 10 Questions. If you want to go over all the 30+ questions on our checklist click here.  If you need a free legal consultation (for Clients only, not other lawyers) contact us at (877) 276-5084.  We have helped many companies survive the audit process and negotiate confidential settlement agreements.


1.  Here is a link to our software licensing audit checklist on ScribD

2.  Video discussing what is the Business Software Alliance

3.  What is the SIIA explained in this video