Volatility Views 63: The Low End of the Volatility Spectrum

Volatility Review: Vol didn't get a boost going into the weekend, but it didn't sell off either. Very dull week in NASDAQ.

Listener Questions: The listeners direct the conversation.

Comment from Lee on Mark Sebastian's "Arrogant VIX Trade" story: "Possibly one of the most honest and transparent posts I've seen about a losing trade and the reasoning behind it. Well done and thanks for the honesty. We have all been there, fighting a losing battle because our head tells us we are right when everything else is telling you otherwise. It really highlights the need to follow a plan, stick to you risk reward no matter what happens and act like a robot with no emotion when trading. Regards, Lee"
Facebook Question from Tom Sevens: “You guys are always talking about the implied volatility premium vs. realized. But it seems like implied vol is always priced at a premium to realized, so is there ever a reason why anyone would want to do the opposite trade - buy implied and sell realized vol?”
Tweet from @GIN4: “Are there any products out there that replicate vol trades (straddles, iron condors, etc.) to save me the hassle?”
Email from Ed S.: "I really want to understand option volatility. I have even subscribed to sites that ANALYZE volatility, but I can never figure out what to do with the number it generates. I don't know if the result is particularly high, medium or low. This is very distressing to me, because I know vol is very important. But it simply eludes me. Your help is appreciated."
Tweet from @TOMOTON: “Both Marks slammed buying 20,000 Feb 70 VIX calls for $0.15. What trade would you prefer to see?”

Crystal Ball: Looking ahead to a slow upcoming week in vol.