Volatility Views 62: Bad Money Managers

Volatility Review: The team takes a moment to discuss the problem with buying a put versus selling the stock and going to cash. Big events to move vol this week, including Apple iPhone 5 launch.

Listener Mail: Letting the listeners take control of the conversation.

I loved last week's show. I'm very glad to have Vol Views back in the saddle!
My financial advisor recently recommended that I allocate a portion of my portfolio over to VXX because "VIX is low." I didn't know what he was talking about. When I Googled VXX I came across this program and have learned quite a bit. Thank you for informing me, but I'm still uncertain as to his VXX recommendation, especially after hearing your comments about TVIX. Should I allocate some of my portfolio to VXX?
Why are VIX cash and front month VIX futures the same right now?
Don - Is there ever a case when you would buy vol?
You guys are always talking about Volatility skew. I recently noticed that, in Apple, the calls were bid substantially over the puts. Is that an unusual phenomenon? Are there any other names you can mention where this is the case?
Are there any tools that let you trade off of vol cones?

Crystal Ball: Looking ahead to next week's VIX cash and VIX futures. NASDAQ preview.