Emily chats with Dr. Viviana Re, who opens up about using therapy, the physical and meditative teachings from yoga, and essential oils to help calm the nervous system and manage panic attacks.

Viviana opened up previously, in episode 18, about experiencing panic attacks during her PostDoc and how they restricted her personal and work behaviour.

This episode covers:

·  Living a yoga lifestyle, supportive partners and accepting oneself

·  Judgement as part of life in academia

·  Learning who is safe to open up to

·  How the responses of others aren’t a reflection on us, but more to do with their own beliefs and fears

·  How in some cultures, there’s a traditional idea that mental health concerns should be kept within the family

·  Using the physical and meditative aspects of yoga, as well as essential oils to help calm the nervous system and manage panic attacks

·  Learning to listen to what your body is trying to tell you

·  Recovery on the day of a panic attack


·  Viviana’s personal blog: https://biralnas.wordpress.com/

·  Books: Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway (Susan Jeffers); The power of now (Ekart Tolle), The God of small things (Arundhati Roy)

·  Article: https://alltogether.swe.org/2020/06/mental-health-women-in-stem

·  Podcast: Yoga on the Sofa – living a yoga lifestyle, Morgana, (in Italian)

Referenced episodes:

Episode 5. Mindfulness: not some 'Buddhist chant' | Daniel Ranson

Full transcript of the podcast is available here, with many thanks to Dan Ranson

Mental health support: please contact your GP or use the appropriate support for your country at https://checkpointorg.com/global/

You can find out more about Voices of Academia & other personal stories at @academicvoices or our website.

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Recorded: 03/09/2021.

Sound: Mindset by Ketsa is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, available through Free Music Archive.

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