Can mental causation influence evolution? “If you’re an evolutionist, you should believe in mental causation,” Peter tells us. But why?

This is the third and final part to our mini-series with the psychedelic philosopher of mind Peter Sjöstedt-H. The central theme of this episode centres on the relationship between mental causation and evolution. Peter begins by telling us that the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead had a far greater influence on science than people realise, having much to say on what is now the modern enquiry into epigenetics. We also touch on Carl Jung, the relationship between intellect and intuition, and the danger of confusing the atomised and fixed for what is most real.

Much of what we mention here is greatly expanded in the two preceding parts. I thoroughly recommend you check them out.

Read the conversation waypoints @…ostedt-h-part-two/

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For Peter:

You can follow the Ontologistics facebook page @…464724&ref=br_rs

And Peter on twitter @

And the website:

Peter's book, Noumenautics can be purchased from Psychedelic Press @

If you're interested in reading a tight formulation of some key reasons to take panpsychism seriously, I suggest reading the following article:…uitous_Sentience



Big thanks to Ours Samplus for the intro/outro music. You can listen to 'Spell On You' here:

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