Get well in to a conversation about psychedelics, the Will, meaning, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Bergson, Jung, Peterson, and more.

This is the second and largest part of our mini-series with the psychedelic philosopher, Peter Sjöstedt-H.

This episode stands alone quite well; bear with it at the beginning, it certainly jumps straight in. Do check out our previous episode if you'd like to get more familiar.

Here's a brief intro.

In the first part we covered some core aspects of Peter’s approach to philosophy, and discussed how psychedelic experience might be brought to bear on such an approach. We also discussed Bergson’s notion of duration, one of those less common concepts which I think is centrally important to grapple with.

We now pick up the conversation at the close of a discussion about the relationship between psychedelic experience and death. Loosely, the idea was something like that psychedelics, perhaps, offer an insight into what it is to experience a state in which your ordinary sense of self is at least significantly diminished, where such a state might speculatively be considered analogous to a metaphorical, and perhaps other than just metaphorical, sense of death.

Now, this conversation begins with my transitioning to the link between this psychedelic state and the mystical, or religious experience, but moreover to the process which seems to characterise the journey to and from such a domain. The idea I lay out in this opening is largely central to what follows.

We touch on Nietzsche, Bergson, Jung, Schopenhauer, Whitehead, Jordan Peterson, myth, telos, the relation between left and right, and Peter’s own meta-ethical view named Neo-Nihilism, a position which denies the existence of objective values while preserving the notion of subjective values. To this I try to promote to Peter a view grounded on an affirmation of life, construed as a transformative, adaptive, harmonising process.

Read the conversation waypoints @

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You can follow the Ontologistics facebook page @…464724&ref=br_rs

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Peter's book, Noumenautics can be purchased from Psychedelic Press @

If you're interested in reading a tight formulation of some key reasons to take panpsychism seriously, I suggest reading the following article:…uitous_Sentience



Big thanks to Ours Samplus for the intro/outro music. You can listen to 'Spell On You' here:

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