How much confidence, energy, and enthusiasm does your voice radiate when you speak about your ideas, services or products? Your vocal sound is what people react to first and then they listen to what you’re saying. Experts say that in a telephone conversation, 80% of your persuasiveness comes from your speaking voice and 20% from what you say. Most people don’t realize that the sound of their voice is an important and determining factor as to whether someone buys.

In order to sell your ideas most effectively you also need to speak clearly at approximately 150 words per minute and let each thought you say build upon the previous thought. People don’t speak in sentences they speak in thoughts, one after another. All the thoughts must connect in a succinct and concise way to tell the story of your scientific research. It is never just about the facts. Each thought you say has a corresponding feeling associated with it, even if it is simply enthusiasm or sounding like you’re interested in what saying.