Join Talib Manand Tahir Khalidfor Monday'sshow where we will be discussing: Children/ Homelessness

Children:Impact of the Pandemic
The pandemic and lockdown has impacted our children's lives profoundly, but what are the long term consequences?
Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the mental health and well- being of young people both of living in a lockdown.

Homelessness:Evicted for your dreams
During the lockdown thousands of homeless people were provided with the shelter in hotels and inns. However, as the lockdown eases and these businesses return to normal, thousands of vulnerable people are at risk again.

Tune in at 5pm as we discuss the plight of the homeless during the pandemic and discuss how they should be supported by the community and government in the future.

Guests include:

Katrina Jenkins(Project Manager of Mental Health Problems)

Elise Neve(Media and Campaign Manager of YoungMinds)

Helen Westerman(Head of Local Campaigns for NSPCC)

Produced by: Ruhi Yaqub, Mishal Azizand Safiya Khan