Hearing is the fastest of our senses. We process sound in .05 seconds, which is 10 times faster than the blink of an eye. In other words, you would have processed that last sentence faster if I said it to you, versus reading.

It all began with your mother's voice in the womb: this was your first sensory experience, and her voice imprinted on you for life.

Your voice creates connection and trust with clients and everyone else in your life. Your emails and social posts don't. Sound, emotion, music, and memory are closely linked in the brain. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, “Music is the universal language of mankind.”

Oral storytelling was our ancestors' original way to communicate and bond long before the written word and the printing press. We still connect deeply through spoken word. We are designed to speak and listen, to extract meaning most efficiently and viscerally from the sounds of each others' voices.

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