This episode is one of a kind. It is not very often we get to round up 8 amazing RDs and Nutrition Coaches at happy hour and record an epic podcast. I serve you this here today on a silver platter. 

Welcome to the first of many NUTRITION EXPERT ROUNDTABLE where we cover the current state of affairs in nutrition. Knowledge bombs were dropped and wisdom shared. This is a podcast where different perspectives on nutrition were shared for the greater good. This is an enlightening episode with some ugly truths that you need to hear

In today’s podcast, you will hear voices from the following RD and Nutrition Coaches 

Ben Tzeel - RD and Diabetes Expert

Antonio Castillo - Sports RD and coined the phrase “Hydrate or Diedrate”

Jenn Kennedy - Badass Nutrition Coach out of Michigan

Toni Marinucci - Bosswoman and RD helping a ton of people change their lives

Jenna Werner - Behavior-based RD, owner, and founder of Happy Slim Health, who teaches you to create nutrition lifestyles that can last

Alix Turoff  - Macro-based RD who used flexible eating to give her clients amazing results

Dezi Abeyta - The perennial RD who teaches dads and parents how to live healthy lifestyles and foster good habits in the home

Hope you enjoy this amazing and a bit long roundtable! 

Warning - A few bottles of wine were shared in the recording of this podcast

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