Today’s dose of "Vitamin D" is dedicated to accepting when it's time to let go. How often do you find yourself holding on to something because you’re used to it? Whether it be a job… a relationship… old friendships… bad habits… whatever it is. What are you holding on to that is not serving in the betterment of you?
In life… we often find ourselves caught in a limbo of holding onto an old thing while expecting a new thing. You want to grow at your job, but there’s no room for growth, yet you stay there because you’re comfortable. You’re in a relationship and you’re miserable, yet you stay there because you’re used to it. Or perhaps... that old childhood friend whom you’ve outgrown, but you still stay in contact with because you’ve been through so much together. Why is that? Why is it that you’re holding onto something that no longer serves you? It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 
If you’re expecting a new thing, it’s time to do a new thing. Take note from 25-year-old British singer/songwriter Tiana Major9’s hit song “Same Space” she sings, “How we gonna look for different results in the same space? oh how if we’re in the same space?” So my question for you is: “How?” How do you expect to grow... to be happy... to flourish if you’re staying in the same space that’s holding you back.
You cannot heal in the same space you were damaged in. Are you hearing me? You cannot hope for things to get better in the same space that hurt you. What no longer serves you no longer deserves you. Holding on to the past causes you to miss out on what's present. How are you gonna move forward while looking back? You need to let that job go, that relationship go, that old friendship go and whatever else isn't serving in the betterment of you... go! 
Ask yourself this, “How much do I love me? How much am I invested in my own happiness? My peace of mind? My existence?” If you don’t like who, what, where you are… change it. Make the decision and say, “I'm not doing this anymore.” The decision is yours. you just gotta make the choice.
That’s it for your dose of “Vitamin D” be sure to follow me on all social media @dawndaispeaks and until next time, always remember, "YOU are your greatest asset!"
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Today’s dose of "Vitamin D" is dedicated to accepting when it's time to let go. How often do you find yourself holding on to something because you’re used to it? Whether it be a job… a relationship… old friendships… bad habits… whatever it is. What are you holding on to that is not serving in the betterment of you?

In life… we often find ourselves caught in a limbo of holding onto an old thing while expecting a new thing. You want to grow at your job, but there’s no room for growth, yet you stay there because you’re comfortable. You’re in a relationship and you’re miserable, yet you stay there because you’re used to it. Or perhaps... that old childhood friend whom you’ve outgrown, but you still stay in contact with because you’ve been through so much together. Why is that? Why is it that you’re holding onto something that no longer serves you? It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

If you’re expecting a new thing, it’s time to do a new thing. Take note from 25-year-old British singer/songwriter Tiana Major9’s hit song “Same Space” she sings, “How we gonna look for different results in the same space? oh how if we’re in the same space?” So my question for you is: “How?” How do you expect to grow... to be happy... to flourish if you’re staying in the same space that’s holding you back.

You cannot heal in the same space you were damaged in. Are you hearing me? You cannot hope for things to get better in the same space that hurt you. What no longer serves you no longer deserves you. Holding on to the past causes you to miss out on what's present. How are you gonna move forward while looking back? You need to let that job go, that relationship go, that old friendship go and whatever else isn't serving in the betterment of you... go! 

Ask yourself this, “How much do I love me? How much am I invested in my own happiness? My peace of mind? My existence?” If you don’t like who, what, where you are… change it. Make the decision and say, “I'm not doing this anymore.” The decision is yours. you just gotta make the choice.

That’s it for your dose of “Vitamin D” be sure to follow me on all social media @dawndaispeaks and until next time, always remember, "YOU are your greatest asset!"

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