This week on Vitality Radio Podcast, Jared rants not once, not two but three times! In this episode, Jared focuses on misleading articles. The first is an opinion piece that is pushing for mandatory vaccinations to “cure” COVID-19. He points out the flaws in their argument about vaccinations being the only answer to solve the pandemic.
The second rant is about a “fact-checking” feature on Facebook and what information is being censored. Jared discusses the validity of the use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine as an alternative treatment to COVID-19 since there are not many options for people who test positive, but healthy enough not to be admitted to the hospital. Of course, Jared suggests even further alternatives like zinc, high doses of vitamin c, colloidal silver, exercise and vitamin d. The point is, staying inside, isolating yourself and not supporting your immune system will not help prevent you from getting the virus. 
Finally, there are alarming numbers projected on current and future malnutrition and deaths of children due to the lack of supportive services, and hundreds of thousands of children being plunged into poverty by the lockdowns. 
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