On this episode, Jared has a very special guest, Dr. Meryl Nass. Dr. Nass is an internal medicine physician and was the first person in the world to prove that an epidemic was due to biological warfare. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies regarding anthrax, biological warfare, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety, and has consulted for the Cuban Ministry of Health, the World Bank and the Director of National Intelligence. Her medical license was suspended in January of 2022 for providing early COVID treatment and spreading so called “vaccine misinformation”. She has been writing and speaking on all things COVID, and now on the Biosecurity Agenda of the W.H.O. and its goal to wrest sovereignty from individual nations under the guise of a pandemic response. She will be speaking alongside Jared at the 2023 Your Health Freedom Symposium in October and if you’ve never heard her speak before, we are happy to introduce you to Dr. Meryl Nass on Vitality Radio.

Additional Information:

Door To Freedom

Dr. Meryl Nass Substack

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty - article

Dr. Nass’ International Covid Summit Presentation

Your Health Freedom Symposium

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Please also join us on the Dearly Discarded Podcast with Jared St. Clair.

Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. The FDA has not evaluated the podcast. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The advice given is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.