In this episode of Vitality Radio Podcast Jared starts with a rant inspired by a CNN article about Marijuana use (linked below). He discusses the differences between medical marijuana and commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals including opiates, benzos, and SSRI’s. Jared goes over the side effects of each as well as discusses several studies about the use of these pharmaceuticals in comparison to medicinal marijuana and CBD  products. 


In the second half of the show, Jared talks about the RAS (Reticular Activating System). The RAS is a part of your brain that acts like a super-powerful filter. The RAS allows things that we put a substantial focus on to become automatic. Your RAS helps dictate what you think and believe, which then helps dictate how you feel, which dictates the kind of life you build for yourself.


Announcements from the show: 


The Highland Meeting Jared will be speaking at: 

Highland City Hall

5400 Civic Center Dr. Highland Utah

7:00 PM

Topic: How to obtain Mental and Emotional Freedom in an ever confining world


Be Healthy Utah Website:


Vitality Nutrition’s CBD Products


Vitality Nutrition’s Homepage:


Links and other information from the show:


CNN Article

Is Marijuana Addictive?

JAMA Article

Peter C Gøtzsche


Nordic Cochrane Centre



Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. The FDA has not evaluated the podcast. The information within is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The advice given is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.

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