Opioid use in the United States has exploded into a nationwide crisis.  


Users who want to get clean and rid themselves of methamphetamine, cocaine, and/or fentanyl often find it difficult, essentially “chaining” themselves into a cycle of drug use that’s mostly impossible to break. However, what if there was a drug that could eliminate toxins and restore normal bodily function within minutes?  


That’s the aim of Clear Scientific, a small biotech in Cambridge, MA that’s currently testing a treatment (CS-1103) using small molecules to “eat” toxins and deactivate their harmful effects almost instantly. With Phase I of a first-in-human (FIH) clinical trial ongoing, this revolutionary therapeutic is offering hope to those suffering from drug misuse and addiction a “chance to get better.” 


Join us as Mitch Zakin, Executive Vice President of Innovation, and Winston Henderson, Co-founder and General Counsel, discuss their therapeutic approach, offer an update on their progress with CS-1103, how collaboration has enhanced their development, and how they hope it will eventually impact the opioid epidemic.

Show Notes  


Clear Scientific 

World Congress: Drug Modality Game Changers 

Clear Scientific to Start Phase 1 Trial for Stimulant Antidote 

Charles River | IND-Enabling Studies 

Charles River | Small Molecule