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Alexis takes us through Constellation Work. She shares her expertise and personal experiences with this powerful modality that digs deep into family and ancestral roots. Do you know what Constellation Work is, its controversial beliefs, and its universal wisdom? Here's how it can help you heal.

Alexis talks about understanding nature's hierarchies and how restoring them can bring love and relieve suffering. Our cultural expectations of comfort and entitlement are challenged as we explore the essence of love. By focusing on community and connection, we encourage deep personal growth and conflict resolution.

We'll be exploring the teachings of Constellation Work. It's all about the power of the heart and how we can transform.

About Our Guest: Alexis Alma

Alexis is a householder and includes motherhood, life partnering and living in the holiness and horror of family life among her greatest accomplishments. Living on 6 acres of stolen land outside of Ashland, Oregon on PrayerFarm, Alexis is immersed in the amazing project of learning how to live in community, in integrity with the land and its creatures, and how to build the better world we know is possible one day at a time.

Watch Alexis's Video

Alexis Alma, MA, has degrees in Education, Counseling, Psychology and Group Facilitation. She has worked with expert teachers and leaders in the fields of Neuroscience and many areas of Human Potential for over 25 years. Alexis has worked as a mental health therapist, counselor, coach, and mentor and served children in the ‘system,’ adolescents, families in crisis, couples on the rocks, adults just trying to make it, professionals wanting an edge on their career, and anyone who longs for a truer experience of life.

Alexis utilizes tools from many arenas of Sacred Science — Mindful/Presencing Practices, Neuroscience, Wisdom Traditions, and Systemic Constellation Work. Alexis’s capacity to synthesize information from a wide body of modalities is one of the things that makes her a uniquely effective practitioner. This powerful work teaches the necessary tools for taking on one’s own transformation. Her laser-sharp focus provides accurate reflection and input that will rapidly propel you forward to the place you long to arrive.

Alexis recognizes participants’ unique capacities, supports them in anchoring this in their bones, and works directly with the brain so new neural pathways are built—this sustains positive and lasting change. She dedicates her life to supporting humanity’s rapid evolution in these incredible times of change.

What is Systemic Constellation Work?

Systemic Constellation Work is an active group process for personal and collective healing and evolution. It loosens the control of our psychological minds, connects us to the wisdom of our body-minds, provides access to the roots of our capacities and limitations, and makes way for a depth and scope of transformation rarely experienced in traditional therapies. Constellation Work is a highly effective and efficient tool for growth and can be used on its own or as an adjunct to many modalities. It is a body-based and experiential process and encourages us to “know” from our depths.