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I'm sitting down with Ceci Hendrickson a FLDS Cult Survivor who shares her story of how she was able to get out and save her family.

Ceci's journey is quite interesting, beginning with her breakup with a cult-chosen partner. Her experience during this period taught her the value of being placed with someone she could relate to, whereas others in her situation were not as fortunate. She has observed others being placed with incompatible partners and believes that age differences can prevent people from connecting.

In spite of being married for nearly 10 years to a man she was placed with, she knew something had to change. Now, Ceci shares her experience to inspire others. She has made her painful journey into something that inspires others to take action and create a healthier future for themselves. In 2020, she founded her own brand specializing in clothing and accessories, but it has since evolved into a lifestyle brand with empowering messages.

Despite escaping the cult, Ceci emphasizes the strength it takes to navigate motherhood. Because of her rebellion and new partner, she was pushed out of the community. Her parents forced her to leave the house. As she and her family had an apartment, this seemed like a good step at first, but soon that became an impractical option.

She was forced to make a choice. She now lived in her car with four children. In order to ensure the safety of her children, she had to leave them behind with her parents. As the truth about the cult emerged, she knew she had to fight to get them back before it was too late.

She worked hard and did everything she could to provide a safe home for her children. Eventually, she was able to reunite with her children. However, she still feels the pain of being away from her children. She is now happily married to a man and they can raise their children safely.

About our Guest Ceci:

Instagram @ceci .hendrickson + @pinkvalor

“I was born in the FLDS cult and became a mother at age 17 after being spiritually married as a second wife. After the leader removed my ex-husband, I started to question everything and started to secretly date someone new and eventually left while pregnant with our fifth child but wasn’t able to take my other children at first. I later went toe to toe with the leader to fight for them and succeeded. I’m now married to a wonderful man and we have a baby girl together.”