Working Miracles in this modern technician driven world is as it always has been. It is superb, miraculous, and occurs in this world in which we live. Now in our modern world, expansive knowledge, and medicines; there leaves little room for a miracle. People caught up in their world are content, as Americans are today. We seek doctors first. Most of the time. When our human, scientific, and knowledge fails us, where do we go? The Pharisee's and the Temple groups could not believe the miracles the Lord did. No one among them did these things. Not since the prophets had such stuff occur. 

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Today, we remind you Working Miracles occur, the #gospel is spread in the hardest areas on earth. #People are #healed, #saved, #delivered, and we see these #miracles and #rejoice in the #Lord for them. Don't let the #unbelieving #pharisee's among you persuade you such things are no longer done. In this #endofdays, the miraculous is especially important. In first #Corinthians, chapter twelve, and verses ten, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine the #ApostlePaul directly addresses miracles. The word #Miracle is mentioned in every verse. Three out of three verses address it. Make no mistake as our Lord reminded us, "greater works than these shall you do, because I go to my Father -John 14:12." #Greaterworks, #workingmiracles


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