The Deceived Heart on this week's Isaiah's Prophetic book reaches part 130. During this lesson, we have followed the vanity of idols. The prophet takes you through the building of them, smelting, and forming of the idol. The issue here is the work they go to in order to have an idol. Will they work as hard or more to seek the Living God. The likes of which is becoming a god to worship. They neither hear, speak, or see; yet the lesson of the Idol reaches the Deceived Heart this week. As much as people may deny the truth, the fact is many today is in darkness. There are many more idols than just gold, silver, and brass. The things to which man loves, worships, and idolizes can clearly be seen in the America we live today. As well, globally the blindness can be found.


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However, for Judah the #prophet has gone through this, ensuring that the now soon to be free #Judah will learn the lesson well. Theirs is the #True and #LivingGod. He will not share glory with gold, silver, brass, or wood. He will not share his #love with the things which the world loves. For mere #friendship of the #world, along with the #carnalmind is #enmity with God.  The world hates God and opposes him. Just as #ChristJesus said, "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you -John 15:18."

#DeceivedHeart #Deception


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