Warring the Saints on today's @WarnRadio Advocacy episode covers a world in chaos. Amidst the chaos are real people, innocent families, and those who hate them. Driving this is the fear among nations of the gospel. A fear driven by the devil himself that brings people to kill, maim, threaten, curse, and do more to stop the believers from serving Jesus Christ. The world will hate you Jesus said.  It hated me; it will hate you. This aspect of the gospel and the service to Christ Jesus is one no Christian or devil can stop. Yet, we overcame; the word here is past tense. Overcame, by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of your testimony, and you love not your lives unto the death. But today, Christians can come to the aid of persecuted believers with food, clothing, and more. The front lines of persecution are never far away from anyone.

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Warring the Saints begins the episode where we look at the real war in the world. One that began before most modern nations formed. It is here that a real-world War is ongoing against #Christians. The #earlychurch and #Apostles knew very well that this is a #realwar. #Warring the #Saints meets our modern age. Today we have access to modern tools that enable the #gospel to go forth worldwide. We also have better methods for helping those overseas to survive this war. The #fulfillment of this #war is incapsulated in the #beast who arrives to deceive the nations and lead them into #perdition. He makes #war with the #saints. But make no mistake here, the war with the saints, those who #love and #follow the Lord has been going on since #Lucifer's #rebellion against the #LordGod. 

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To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com