Lord Saves brings Isaiah words into focus with King Hezekiah. A righteous King faced down the Assyrians with the work of Isaiah as God's prophet on the scene. But along with the threat of destruction of Judah came an assault on the king’s life. We see how short life when the King says, "mine age is departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd’s tent." He was healthy and working to deliver Judah from the Assyrians. He sought the Lord God.

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#God promised "I #will #deliver" which is an ongoing action phrase that does require faith. The Lord Saves brings a #personal #deliverance for the King. Here the deliverance of #Judah from the #Assyrians is finished but the King is deathly ill. In the end of the words of the King we find the fulfillment of that deliverance from this #death #illness that hit the King. He says, "thou have in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption," further saying "so wilt thou recover men, and make me to live." In the struggle to live through a death sickness, regaining health and living despite death. This is a fresh new breath of life. You have seen #death, but now #life has arrived, and you know your delivered, saved from Death. Here the #LordSaves has much meaning.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com